JDS Modules

  • All of these securely handle credentials.



  • Provides a powerful interface for requesting and storing Google Cloud OAuth2 credentials for any combinations of accounts and scopes.
  • Handles OAuth2 flow; opening a browser tab to prompt the user to login.
  • Also provides preset combinations of scopes; making it easier to request all permissions required for a certain task.


  • Handles automatic encryption+upload and download+decryption of securely stored and synchronized files, strings, and arbitrary python objects.
    • Trivially simple interface; needs only the name of the data, (and, if uploading, the data itself.)
    • Primarily used for API keys and related secrets.
  • Takes the OAuth2 credentials created by Authorize/JDSAuthorize and uses them to connect to Google Cloud servers.
    • Returns appropriate errors if the credentials are invalid in any way.
    • Note that users are given the smallest set of permissions needed.
  • Uses JDSKMS for encryption/decryption and JDSStorage for upload/download.
  • Access management policies set online allow for quick addition and removal of authorized accounts without requiring updating or redistributing any programs.
  • Allows for simple redistribution of new API keys; just by uploading them.
    • Which is also restricted to specific authorized users; as defined in the online console.
  • Secrets are never saved on the device's storage during this process.
    • Each program requests any required credentials when they start; keeping those credentials in memory.


  • Google Cloud KMS Integration
  • Used to securely encrypt and decrypt credentials and other secrets.
    • Can handle files, strings, and arbitrary python objects.


  • Google Cloud Storage Integration
  • Enables uploading, downloading, and enumerating data.
  • Because that data is encrypted (by JDSKMS) before upload, it uniformly handles files, strings, and arbitrary python objects.

Merchant APIs

  • All of them:
    • Handle API errors.
    • Construct efficient API requests; batching as much as possible.
    • Handle missing data.
    • Provide optional progress bars and other UI feedback.
    • Have data classes that:
      • Have flexible getters.
      • Are trivial to update with new data.
    • Have standard tests that can be run to verify they are functioning as expected.


  • Integrates with Amazon's MWS API.
  • Pulls information about Amazon products.
    • Checks the (formatting) validity of ASINs and UPCs.
    • Processes and adds results from individual types of API calls.
      • Only makes the API calls that are necessary to get the required/requested data.
        • Many different API requests are needed to get all data that this module can handle.
    • Includes methods that infer extra information about the product based on multiple stored fields or API responses.
    • Includes methods to output basic preset combinations of data; simplifying other programs.
  • Downloads information about orders we have received from customers.
    • Including reports with:
      • all unshipped orders
      • all orders in last X days
    • Reports can be exported to files.
    • Handles data provided for both shipped and unshipped orders.
    • Formats addresses.
  • Uploads information about orders we have received from customers.
    • Submit reports with required information filled in.
    • Ensure report was received correctly
  • Converts UPCs to ASINs.
  • Others mentioned above.


  • Integrates with Amazon's Product Advertising API.
  • Used for a few things unavaliable in the MWS API.
    • Converts ASINs to UPCs.
    • Determines whether Amazon itself is a seller for a product; and what their price is.
    • Pulls Best Seller Rankings for categories.
      • Can search through bestselling products.
  • Others mentioned above.


  • Integrates with Walmart's API.
  • Pulls information about Walmart products.
    • Includes methods that infer extra information about the product based on multiple stored fields.
  • Given WalmartIDs or UPCs, can return
    • all product information as instances of the appropriate class
    • specifically requested fields as lists of strings etc.
  • ID Conversion
    • WalmartIDs to UPCs
    • UPCs to WalmartIDs
  • Search API
    • Submits search queries and processes their results.
  • Others mentioned above.


  • Integrates with Kinsey's API.
  • Pulls information about Kinsey's Products.
  • Others mentioned above.



  • Integrates with Gmail.
  • Searches emails; returning ones that match the query.
    • Return as either message IDs, or instances of any requested class from JDSEmailTypes.
    • Possible to set a maximum number to return; speeding up the process when only a certain number are needed.
  • Sends emails.
  • Handles API errors and throttling etc.


  • Contains a hierarchy of classes for processing and interpreting emails.
  • It is designed so that all of the things that can be broken when a sender changes the formatting of their emails are:
    • in one place
      • meaning both in this file, and in their own dedicated classes; in extremely simple functions
    • as simple as possible to understand, edit, and test
      • They rely almost entirely on regular expressions, which are easy to edit and test while being extremely flexible.
      • They subclass eachother and a base class that provides powerful tools to greatly simplify the process of pulling information out of the email's body.
  • Useful details provided with the metadata are processed and saved for every email.
  • Besides the base class, each public class:
    • is for a different type of email
      • These types can be thought of a different combinations of purposes and senders.
        • Purposes:
          • Shipping Confirmation
          • Order Confirmations
          • Partial Refund Requests
          • etc.
        • Senders:
          • Walmart
          • Toys R Us (RIP)
          • Others' APIs
          • Us
          • etc.
    • provides the search string required to find every email of that type (and no others)
    • has a different set of information it pulls and provides from the body of its emails
  • Unsuccessful pulls are handled.


  • Integrates with Twilio to enable text message notifications for certain programs; like the Stock Checker.



  • Set of basic functions used by many of my programs.
  • Examples:
    • testing files are writeable or not in use
    • prompting yes/no
    • exit prompts
    • error prompts


  • Set of custom functions to analyze unfamiliar objects received from libraries and APIs.


  • Initial work to unify how API data is requested and returned; so that other code can be streamlined and made even more flexible.
  • Functions, but is not yet used by other programs or modules.