A collection of Dockerfiles created by me; with a wide variety of purposes and functionality.
I've added a README file for every folder, so you can browse through to see the purpose of each container.
This is a public snapshot of my original, private repository; which is still under active development.
Includes 2 major (meaning used by a lot of other containers in this repo) base containers for GUI applications:
- ubuntu/x11: Eclipse Che-ready container with VNC, NoVNC, and RDP access; with programs like Atom and Chromium.
- Other containers based off of this container add a programming language, its related tools, and an IDE for it.
- There are such containers for C/C++, Python, Javascript, and Java.
- There are more containers that extend one of the languge-based containers with a major library/SDK/IDE etc.
- Such as Android/Kotlin (Java) and SFML (C++)
- These containers are meant to be used as portable development environments.
- They allow for convenient use of full IDEs in a clean; dedicated system.
- Connect via a VNC/RDP connection or a web browser (visiting a page created by NoVNC.)
- They don't drain the battery or tax the hardware of the thin client device; the server hardware will be faster in almost all cases.
- Negligible latency; suitable for developing games and other programs where latency is important during testing.
- Hardware accelerateable; with KVM and Cuda support.
- Uniform experience regardless of client hardware.
- No-compromises development on Chromebooks without needing to install Linux applications or enable developer mode.
- Very usable on phones; especially when pairing VNC or XRDP with a Guacamole stack.
- VNC, XRDP, and NoVNC all resize the host desktop automatically when the client window changes size/shape. (NoVNC needs an option to be selected in the client-side site.)
- Kept up to date with autobuilding containers.
- Tailored for (optional) use with Eclipse Che, which provides a web portal for starting docker containers to use as workspaces; and has its own IDE.
- A new VNC/RDP/NoVNC password is generated when the container starts, and is echoed to the user whenever they start one of those services.
- Other containers based off of this container add a programming language, its related tools, and an IDE for it.
- other/base/(arch/ubuntu):
- Relatively minimal base for making GUI applications accessible via VNC; and securely through the web when paired with Guacamole.
- Has containers for Calibre, DigiKam, FileZilla, Google Music Manager, Quassel Client, and Virt-Manager. (also WIP CrashPlan)
- Has base containers for both Arch Linux and Ubuntu; for the widest possible package support, and the choice between stable and cutting-edge versions.
- Access to the AUR also trivializes the setup for many applications; thus further simplifying maintenance.
- Supports automatically resizing the server desktop when the client window changes size/shape.
- Runs i3 with sane defaults and powerful customization options.
- Config file is a miniscule fraction of the Openbox config for a similar setup.
- Pre-prepared scripts for updating applications and launching the primary GUI application; very easy to extend.
- Use mounted /config folders to persist all settings across the containers' destruction.
- Relatively minimal base for making GUI applications accessible via VNC; and securely through the web when paired with Guacamole.
Contains various containers for syncing or serving files; like:
- alpine/sshd (SFTP/SSHFS)
- alpine/gdrive (Google Drive Mounting)
- alpine/samba (SMB Shares)
- ubuntu/onedrive (OneDrive Synchonization)
Contains an Arch Linux base container useful for testing AUR applications on a fresh setup; aiding debugging.
And more!
Misc Notes is used to generate multiple versions of dockerfiles; allowing me to, for example, have multiple chains of container tags based on different versions of Ubuntu, including Ubuntu+Cuda; without any code duplication in the files that I actually edit.