Patrick Collins

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Class Registration Macro

Made to ensure I would able to register for the classes I wanted in the precious few seconds I had before they filled up.

Created using JitBit Macro Recorder.

Later work to replace this with a more advanced Python/Selenium solution was abandoned when it became clear I would be able to guarantee getting in the classes I wanted without it.

  • Uploaded as sample of:
    • another of the many quick scripts I've pulled together to automate tasks
    • one of the first "programs" I ever wrote
      • at this point; I had been using JitBit for years; learning entirely through experimentation
      • this is a medium-low complexity example
        • much more complex macros were needed for tasks that required (unsupported) abilities like:
          • storing multiple variables
            • achieved by using the clipboard to implement what I later learned are stacks and arrays
          • conditionals involving user input given during execution
            • achieved by opening/resizing/moving multiple notepad windows, pasting descriptions of the options in them, and choosing based on which one the user closes